Friday, March 9, 2007

Trip to the Rigi

Our first weekend was a real Swiss one. People here are complaining a lot about the lack of real winter. It is like in Hungary - neither cold nor snow. This causes lots of economical damage to Switzerland - but you still do have a chance to find snow at the right place.

Our friends proposed going to the Rigi. The original plan was that moms with kids travel up to the top while family heads do a bit of hiking. As I did not really have hiking clothes, only jeans and street shoes, this was luckily cancelled, at least for me. All the way along to the top the weather was cold and foggy. The track was surrounded by big pieces of ice leaning down the rocks. We thought about poor other Peter.

At the top it suddenly all disappeared and we had a beautiful view with sunshine. We were above the clouds, only some mountains raising above cloud level. Luckily, we also found a bit of snow enough for Noemi and Dani to slide down - this lasted or a while, they never seemed to be tired enough to stop.

Downwards we had also had a bit of excitement - we had to catch the train, so poor other Peter changed to running upwards the hill. He got really exhausted. But he did it! Even watching him mad me tired. But we - and especially the kids - were all happy that we have found snow in this mild winter.

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